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July 25, 2004

Christmas in July

So every year my Mom and my Sister and several others ask me for a Christmas list from everyone in my family. My wife handles the lists for everyone else in our family and manages to get a list to everyone that asks in plenty of time. However it usually takes me at least until a week or so before Christmas before I ever get a list compiled. By that time all my over zealous family members have already bought whatever present I am getting. So this year would have been like all the rest except that I found a really cool website that has all sorts of geeky cool things I desire. So I set up an account and made a wish list(only took me three months). Here is my official list of things I think I need and can not possibly live without(now that I know they exist). Yes most are affordable, but just in case there is a billionaire reading my blog and they want to surprise me I have included a few high end things. I mean it is called a wish list right? And for my loyal readers please feel free to add your own comments. Perhaps you will even make your own list.

Here are my Wish list Items from ThinkGeek.com

Now that I got started I think I am gonna make a wish list page for my family to add to my blog so all my family members can download a list and get my kids clothing sizes whenever they wish.

For Christmas in July only comes once a year.

Posted by smitty at July 25, 2004 1:51 PM


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