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July 28, 2004

Drexel Sweatshirt 2

I bought my first Drexel sweatshirt in 1987 when I attended college there. I liked the sweatshirt so much that I bought another and even though neither fit me for years I kept both of them. In January, after loosing 90lbs. I found one of them and tried it on. It fit me for the first time in a decade. I was so proud to fit snuggly back into my Sweatshirt I took some pictures and wore the sweatshirt all day. (click for my original post) I even went shopping in Walmart in it. I admit now it must have been a pretty funny site. That shirt fit me like a glove, but at least it covered my belly and I felt like a new man after loosing my first bit of weight.

Today my son found my sweatshirt in the back of our truck and brought it to me to hang up. I hadn't seen it for months, so I had to try it on. I was amused at all the extra room I had in the shirt. It was a nice pick-me-up to my day, so i thought I would take a picture and compare it to my January pic. The results are below.

I know you will find this hard to believe but there are days/weeks I feel just as fat and heavy as I did last year when I weighed more. It is hard to step back sometimes and see what has happened. The changes in the mirror happen so slow that to me it almost doesn't seem like change at all. So even though I have changed I can still look at what fat and flab remains and see myself as overweight. I do wonder when I will overcome this. Perhaps never. But as far as today goes, trying on that sweatshirt was a great reminder of how far I have come.

drexel shirt

Posted by smitty at July 28, 2004 12:01 AM


That is so cool, Brian. I totally remember you being excited about the sweatshirt. I can relate to your feelings about the weight loss and how sometimes it's hard to believe. For me, because it has been a lifelong battle...I almost wonder, what the heck will life be like without that as one of my biggest obstacles. (of course maintaining the weight is still a challenge).

Posted by: stacey gagne at July 30, 2004 9:33 AM

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