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July 13, 2004

Miriam's Birthday

Today is Miriam's Birthday. She is 6 today. Miriam is daughter number two and was named after my Grandma(miriam) Smith. She also shares her middle name, Susan with Shelly and Shelly's Mom. As a baby we called her our 'Happy Baby' cause she always smiled. Miriam is also our fair child. She is very concerned with equality and that everyone is treated in the same fair manner as everyone else. This causes me to make sure that cake is sliced in equal portions and that everyone gets a 30 minute turn at the computer.

Miriam will always hold a special place in my heart, when Miriam was 3 weeks old, Shelly had emergency surgery to remove her gallbladder. The Surgery didn't go well and Shelly ended up at Hershey Med Center for a week. During that week Baby Miriam became my buddy. I kept her with me and drove her back and forth to Shelly at the hospital everyday. At night I was afraid to put her in the crib fearing that I might not hear her cries so she slept in bed with me all week.

Miriam is full of energy, except for mornings when she has to get dressed for school. She is our one child who will spontaneously give hugs and kisses. She is the one who tries to crawl in bed with us in the middle of the night. She likes Chocolate cake with Peanut butter frosting(like her dad). She loves crafts, She loves Barbies, She loves going to Grandma's house. And she still smiles like she did when she was a baby, but now it is joined by a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Happy Birthday Miriam.

Posted by smitty at July 13, 2004 12:56 PM


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