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July 19, 2004

Mower belt

Well two days before my op. My wife went out to mow our lawn and discovered that the belt on our mower deck had broke. I called Keller Bros. and they said they had a belt so Shelly went to pick it up, but upon further inspection they didn't have the belt we needed. So it had to be ordered. The belt came in last week and due to my sluggish recovery we were only able to get it on Saturday.

Our neighbor and Shelly's Dad volunteered to put it on. But as of today it still was not installed. As you can imagine the grass continues to grow and Shelly was bumming about it today. So after work i decided I was going to tackle the job myself. Keep in mind I am not supposed to lift more than 20lbs for the next two months. Well, so much for that. I hobbled across the lawn (cause my gout still hurts) laid under the mower and disconnected the deck. Drug the mower deck out from under the mower, ripped off the old belt, connected the new belt, drug the mower deck back under the tractor, lifted it into place and put the bolts back in. Filled the tank with gas. Done.

Should have never done it and risked hurting my hernia repair, but there was no other choice.

Posted by smitty at July 19, 2004 7:47 PM


Hi Brian. If we would've known about your operation, we would've been praying for you about it. If you ever need anything that we can help you with like with your mower, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to serve.

Posted by: Darlene at July 22, 2004 8:36 PM

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