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July 30, 2004


I was looking at the stats for my website today and saw that in July I have had just under 3,000 visits to my website. That's about 100 a day, not bad for a white boy. I continued to look at other stats and saw that i had visitors from 31 different countries in July. The thing that amused me the most was that the country that visits my website 2nd to the US is the Netherlands. So if you are logging in from another country, who are you? Identify yourself. I am curious as to who you are. Just drop a note and say, Hi! Not like I a gonna try to visit you or anything. Just curious.

Amusingly enough, my first ever report that I did in school was in fifth grade, All LEAP students had to pick a country to teach the rest of the class about. I chose the Netherlands. There is just something about windmills.

Posted by smitty at July 30, 2004 6:01 PM


Hey Mate,

I log on to your blog everyday to see what excitement is happening in the great state of Pennsylvania. Woo Hoo, I love Pennsylvania!!! And your blog, I have never seen a blog like this in all my life!!! Isn't she a beauty.

Visit me anytime mate. I'm low carb to all the way for my tucker. Accept I still have a sweet spot for Kangaroo Jerky.

Posted by: Steve Irwin at August 5, 2004 2:11 PM

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