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July 20, 2004

new iPods

Yesterday Apple announced a new line of iPods with new improvements. Nothing incredible like video on demand. But longer battery life, making playlists on the fly and controlling playback speed is kinda cool. Anyway this announcement has led me to fancyful/wishful thinking. You know my bPod has been gone for over two weeks and the replacement order is on hold at Apple. What if they sent me a new and improved iPod instead of my old one? Well to say the least, I would not be angry. And don't worry I will let you know if I 'get lucky'.

Posted by smitty at July 20, 2004 8:25 AM


I thought the same thing when my iPod was MIA at Apple for a few weeks (bad hard drive). They released the 3G iPods right around the time they sent mine back to me. I rushed home hoping it would be a new one. It wasn't :(

Maybe you'll be lucky and get a new one. :)

Posted by: Ryan at July 20, 2004 2:28 PM

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