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July 31, 2004

Rocherty Picnic

Went to the Rocherty Picnic today. The Rocherty Picnic is a small community picnic that has been held the last Saturday of July by a local church for over 100 years. My grandparents(Smith) met there when they were teens over 70 years ago. I remember going there as a kid with my parents & grandparents, eating a hamburger, buying penny candy and playing in the grass with other kids while the Washington Band played. It was a fun evening, filled with music and fun.

Not much has changed in the last 30 years I have been going, they still serve the same food, and they still have penny candy for sale, and the Washington Band still plays. Tonight as my son Caleb bought a styrofoam plane at the penny candy stand, I remembered buying a balsa wood plane there 30 years prior. I assembled and flew that plane all night, Caleb did the same. Funny how life is cyclical. I hope I leave my children with fond memories of their childhood like I have of mine, and I hope the Rocherty Picnic is one of them.

3.6m 53m -100.3t

Posted by smitty at July 31, 2004 11:43 AM


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