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July 6, 2004

Sleep & Low Carb Moose Tracks

That is the answer to the question, Name two things I want most in my life but can not get enough of? Today it was harder to get out of bed than yesterday. I am looking forward to my Dr. appointment tomorrow, perhaps she will have some answers as to why I am tired. Perhaps my body is waging war against my Gall bladder and high Bilirubin count, perhaps something else is wrong. Well enough about that.

My other concern today is low carb Moose Tracks Ice Cream. I need some. I had it while I was on vacation but I can not seem to find it anywhere around my home. Call me crazy, but I had a dream about it last night. So If you get to the grocery store and you are in the freezer section take a quick peek for Moose tracks(Low Carb) if you find it give me a call.

Posted by smitty at July 6, 2004 9:21 AM


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