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July 26, 2004


This afternoon the kids came in and asked to play with the garden hose. The answer is always yes unless we are going away. They love to play in the water. Last week we had the opportunity to go swimming at a friends house for a few hours, that was great. We used to have a small pool - 15 foot round x 3 foot deep we used it for two summers before it came to pass. I liked the pool and have thought about getting another one but I never really felt like the easy-set type of pool we had was really safe. ( I guess that stems from the first time I set up the pool it collapsed and the few thousand gallons of water went everywhere.)

So today I regret not buying and setting up a new pool cause my kids would really love it. I just can not reconcile myself to buying another easy-set pool. It would be nice to have a pool again. Need to give this some more thought.

Posted by smitty at July 26, 2004 7:49 PM


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