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July 12, 2004

The 4400

Thought about amusing you with stories of my horrible gas pain that I had today and the number of times I have gone to the bathroom. But let's forget about that, cause i know I would rather.

Today I watched the pilot for a new TV series on the USA network called The 4400. I am hooked. To quote the website:

From Executive Producer Francis Ford Coppola's production company, American Zoetrope, comes a haunting new limited series: THE 4400. Over the last century, thousands of people have gone missing. Suddenly and inexplicably, 4400 missing people are returned all at once, as they were on the day they vanished. Unclear what this world altering-event means, the government investigates the 4400 to piece together where they've been and why they've been returned. It quickly becomes apparent that their presence will change the human race in ways no one could have ever foreseen.

Well the two hour show flew past and at the end I found myself craving more. The 4400 smacks of another one of my favorite shows Smallville. But I do not want to discuss the whole thing right now. I am just alerting you to the existence of this new show cause they are showing it a few times during the upcoming week. So if you have the summer blahs, The 4400 could be the cure.

Now back to the bathroom.

Posted by smitty at July 12, 2004 8:20 PM


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