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July 11, 2004
The Scale
Before entering the hospital on Friday morning I weighed myself. I was pleased cause I was the lightest I have been in years. Since I was going to the hospital to have something removed I figured I could only get lighter. A gallbladder probably only weighs a few ounces but it was leaving me, so weight loss only seemed natural. For the rest of Friday, Saturday & Sunday I have eaten very little. Just liquids and soft food. Today I stepped on the scale and to my amusement I have gained 10 pounds. I wasn't very surprised. I figured my body is retaining water. The loose skin around my stomach and operating area looks full and swollen. Here is hoping it leaves soon.
On the bright side I talked with my doctor about my stomach which still looks flabby and fatty to me. She said most of what is in there is excess skin and that I really do not have that much fat hiding underneath the surface. Forgive my translation cause I was a bit medicated when this conversation took place. She said there are other layers of stuff under the skin that aren't fat but are kind of attached to the skin layer and pretty much the loose hanging flab on my stomach is comprised of that stuff and not fat.
So if I had a tummy tuck and got some of my flabby skin removed I probably would be done with my weight loss. She said she didn't consider me overweight. This actually was good news, but doesn't comfort me when I step out of the shower and look in the mirror.
Posted by smitty at July 11, 2004 11:26 AM
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