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August 25, 2004


Dropped off the Home School Affidavit at the school district office yesterday. Today begins our first official day of home schooling our kids. How long will it last? I dunno, but we are committed to a year of it. I figure this could be the best or worst thing that has ever happened to our family and I will let you know as times passes which one it is.

How did the girls take the news? Elsie & Miriam both had a bit of sadness about not going back but after sharing their thoughts it was business as usual. Elsie said she would be sad cause she had plans to sit with her friend Anthony on the bus. Miriam was sad cause she will never know who would have been her 1st grade teacher. I felt bad for her for her. I can remember getting excited about who my teacher would be and somehow I stole that from her.

But here is the good news. On the first day of school we will take off in the afternoon and go to Hershey Park. So while all the other kiddies are sitting in school I hope to be standing in a short line to ride the scrambler. Hopefully that should make up for any sadness they might be feeling.

Posted by smitty at August 25, 2004 12:04 AM


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