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August 5, 2004

Along the Road

When I run I spend half my time looking ahead and the other half looking down. I look ahead to make sure I do not run into any oncoming traffic(and that they do not run into me). I look down for amsement. There are always things along the edge of the road. Paper, mostly fast food wrappers tops my list of things I see. Lat week I found a small pink purse with the letter 'a' on it. But today I noticed the most amusing thing, a butcher knife. How do you suppose a butcher knife ended up at the side of the road.

I know how fast food papers end up there. ou are eating a burger at 60MPH open your window and tada instant disposal. But exactly what were you doing in your car going 60MPH with a butcher knife when all of a sudden you thought perhaps I should dispose of this? Well with such thoughts novels are written I suppose.

3.6m 45m -107.5t

Posted by smitty at August 5, 2004 8:06 AM


oooh, i am constructing stories in my head.

I found a dollar bill once. It was exciting. In VT, it would be exciting to find bottles on the side of the road and collect them for the deposit money.

Posted by: stacey gagne at August 9, 2004 11:00 AM

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