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August 22, 2004

Happy Birthday

Today was Shelly's Birthday and we did what she wanted. We went to Hershey Park, rode tons of rides, ate some good bar-b-q ribs, and finished the day off with a Golden Almond Bar. All in all it was a good day.

Now begins a special time of the year for me, for 50 days every year I am married to an older woman. When my birthday clicks around in October I will go back to being married to an equal, but for 50 days I am the younger man.

Posted by smitty at August 22, 2004 11:15 PM


Happy Birthday greetings to Shelly...a little late.

My mom is a few months older than my dad, too.

Posted by: stacey gagne at August 25, 2004 3:54 PM

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