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August 3, 2004

Kurt Weaver

Congrats to Kurt Weaver! Kurt IM'd me today and told me he crossed a major barrier in his effort to lose weight and I am very happy for him! He has been going strong for 3-4 months now and his efforts are paying off.

Kurt roomed with me in Nashville at GMA in April, at that time I was pretty happy and had lost about 140 pounds. I had been running for several weeks and was in the best shape of my life. Kurt was in a slump. He had put on some extra pounds and was feeling like he needed to do something about it. Well let me tell you, looking back at it, I wasn't very nice to him regarding his weight. I know on several occasions I was a down right jerk to him. (for that I am sorry)

I had never been able to tolerate overweight people very well. I think it is because of my true hate for my own condition that I do not tolerate it in others. My wife would not be able to understand this because of her incredible compassion she would say, you know how awful it is to be overweight can't you feel that for your friend. But because i hate that aspect of my life so much I can hate it in others too and for awhile I have allowed myself to dislike others because of this. I think I have spent time dealing with this, but when I was rooming with Kurt I could feel that, 'hey buddy get your butt in gear' attitude coming out. I also was feeling pretty confident about myself and around Kurt I felt a bit cocky. For that I am sorry.

But back to Kurt, He is a guy very much like me. Kurt is Very smart, Very Hard Working, Very Creative, and Very Determined. So no doubt he will meet his weight goal. I congratulate him for his efforts. I also will take a small ounce of credit in pushing him over the edge. (even though I was a cocky jerk)

Congrats Kurt

3.6m 46m -103.9t

Posted by smitty at August 3, 2004 5:50 PM


Brian is being way too hard on himself....He did not come across as being a jerk to me at all! In fact Brian was the inspiration I needed to start to loose weight myself. So with that said...I say "Thank You" to my friend Brian Smith!

Posted by: Kurt Weaver at August 4, 2004 12:03 PM

Wow. What a revealing entry. Thanks for having the courage to write these things...I'm so glad I logged on and read this....

Posted by: Christine at August 8, 2004 11:49 PM

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