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August 21, 2004

Michael Phelps

Okay so the Olympics are on and my friend TIVO is taping them like mad and I am watching them selectively. I have fast forwarded through more hours of TV than I have watched, but like most americans I have watched Michael Phelps. To be honest, swimming is not where it is at for me as far as sports. But Phelps has made it worth it for me. I don't really care how many medals he won, what has impressed me is that he is a good guy, and a team player. When I read that Phelps had given up his spot on the final relay race so that his team mate could race for the Gold it actually brought a tear to my eye.

I really think that 'being a team player' is lacking in our world today. So many people are out for just themselves that they forget the value and strength in being aligned. I think this is apparent in broken families, marriages and churches to name a few. I know I forget about being a team player sometimes myself, but I hope I can pass this value along to my children. I think Ecclesiastes 4:12 sums it up very nicely:

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

And I thank Michael Phelps for reminding me of that this week.

Posted by smitty at August 21, 2004 11:27 PM



I just want to express my opinon on ol' Mike Phelps. Knowing that he probably will never read this, I'd just like to say this. He seems like a really great team player, and giving up the relay was quite a humble gesture. Okay, so maybe he did have some leeway on that, seeing as he still won a medal, but the fact of the giving up is quite notable.

Maybe someday I can do that for someone, too.

Proverbs has some really great sayings about people who were brought up well. I'd consider him brought up quite well (don't know if he's Christian, but it'd be nice if he was.)

Feedback if possible?

Posted by: anthonyk at September 8, 2004 4:40 PM

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