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August 16, 2004

Sooper Dooper

Every years since Elsie was born my in-laws have given us a season pass to Hershey Park. With the birth of Ruth at the beginning of the Season we decided last year to hold off on our passes for this year thinking we might have our hands too full to get use out of the passes. Since June we have been regretting our decision. The summer has been a bit milder that last year and has had a bunch of fair weather days that would have been great to go to the park.

So a week ago Grandma Yordy was here for a picnic and she asked what we were thinking about Park Passes for next year. Shelly and I both agreed our family would be glad to have passes again and that we were sad we didn't get up to the park this year. So upon checking out the details for purchasing a pass for next year we discovered if you could buy a pass for 2004&2005 now that the season is almost over. This way we can take advantage of the last few weeks of the park this summer and all next.

After work today we went up to the season pass office and got passes for 2004&5. After getting our passes we headed into the park for the rest of the night. One of our traditions as we head into the park is to measure the kids at the front of the park to determine what rides they can ride. This year Elsie is a Twizzler, Miriam a Hershey Bar and Caleb a Reeses'. This means they can all ride 4 of the parks roller coasters including the Comet, Sooper Dooper Looper, Roller Soaker, & Trail Blazer.

When we got in the park we imediately hit the small rides at the front of the part including the carousel, kiddie rides & the scrambler. After a few rides Caleb was begging to ride a roller coaster so we headed down to 'Comet Hollow' and I took the kids to the Sooper Dooper Looper while Shelly fed Ruth. The kids were all nervous and excited, Miriam and Elsie changed there minds a dozen times. First they wanted to ride it, then they wanted to get off, then they wanted to ride it. In the end, Elsie & Caleb rode with me and Miriam waited for us. After eating we went back and all three of them rode with me. Elsie and Caleb loved it, I think it freaked Miriam out. Along with being the kids first time it was also the first time I rode a roller coaster in 20 years.

When Elsie was 10 months old I had lost about 40lbs. I was feeling great from my weight loss and we went to Hershey Park for the day. To give us some 'alone' time Grandma Yordy took baby Elsie for an hour and we waited in line to ride the Wildcat(the Newest Roller coaster at the time). We waited for about 45 minutes when we finally tried to board the 'train.' To make a long story short, even though I was feeling 40lbs skinnier the seat belt for the ride would not latch when stretched around me and I had to get off the ride. That was an awful day. Shelly never told anyone about my difficulties but nonetheless I was mortified. I made an oath that I would never ride or attempt to ride a roller coaster again.

Well today for the first time in 2 decades I rode a roller coaster with my kids and it was great! I hope I will continue to ride with them for years to come.

Posted by smitty at August 16, 2004 11:09 PM


Did you ride Storm Runner? I'm sure the line was probably pretty long, huh? Or not child friendly?

The Claw is my, "now I can ride it" ride. The ride is awesome, but I think I mentally like that one the best because I couldn't ride it in the past.

Posted by: stacey at August 20, 2004 8:06 AM


Posted by: Aunt Linda at August 20, 2004 8:47 AM

This is just what the doctor ordered son. A great booster for you. I am proud of you, and also Caleb , iriam, and Elsie. You did it!!!!! I know how hard that is to make a decision to go on the roller coaster. Especially for Elsie. Now on to more good and better things. Love ya, x0x0x0x0x0x0 MOM

Posted by: mom at August 20, 2004 4:08 PM

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