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August 7, 2004

The Goods

Today was the fourth annual Good Picnic. The Goods are my wife's mother's family, and every year for the past four years we have had them at our house on the first Saturday of August. Picnics are always is a nice way to spend time with family. We eat good food, chat it up, play some games, the kids beat open a piŅata, we eat some more, talk some more, and then after dark we set off some fireworks.

This year was a bit different because this past spring Grandma Good died. The family had not been together as a group since the funeral and there were a few boxes of her possessions that needed to be dispersed. The biggest of which were contained 100 Hallmark ornaments from the mid eighties. Grandpa Good was a big Hallmark Ornament collector and Grandma still had some left that she decorated her tree with at the nursing home. So after some games and the piŅata the brothers and sisters gathered around and divided up the ornaments. It was interesting to watch who picked which ornament. Mostly because they held a special memory for that person about Grandma or Grandpa. and to think some of those ornaments were probably worth a few hundred bucks on Ebay.(just a guess).

Well as I type this, the picnic is over for another year. It is a bunch of hard work to pull off and clean up, but it is well worth it.

3.6m 45m -111.1t

Posted by smitty at August 7, 2004 11:32 PM


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