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September 25, 2004

miserable being

Well I need to admit that after I complete the first week of my low carb diet, I really feel great doing low carbs. And for the record, the first week of low carbing sucks. Denying yourself from the satisfying sugar highs you delight in on a normal diet is no fun, but as soon as you can get over the whole sugar-withdrawl-i-feel-like-crap feeling, things are great.

I have been on and off low carb dieting now several times and I must admit without a shadow of a doubt I feel much better when I am low carbing. I have more energy, a more positive outlook, I feel thinner, etc. So with that said I am back on the low carb band wagon as of Monday morning. I can't wait to feel better, for now, a oatmeal raisin cookie will have to do.

Posted by smitty at September 25, 2004 4:55 PM


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