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September 4, 2004

punk kid

some young punk who doesn't know me said to me this past week-

"Hey speaking of diets you should try my diet, i just eat one meal a day and I have lost 60lbs."

I replied-

"Yeah I did that diet for years, I started my meal at 8am in the morning a completed it about midnight every night. Did wonders for me too."

Posted by smitty at September 4, 2004 4:21 PM


Good one!! I bet that shut him up in a real hurry!!!

Please keep praying for Florida - looks like another one on the way. How much more can they take??!! Thanks.

Posted by: Aunt Linda at September 9, 2004 8:23 AM

Then did you hit him? I would have wanted to hit him. :)

Posted by: Karen Sprengel at September 14, 2004 12:22 PM

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