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September 21, 2004

Stress Binge

Well it has almost been a year since I have curbed my appetite and taken back my life. You would think that a year of disciplined eating would have set forth some new habits in my life. Well you and I both thought wrong. Tonight was a night of sheer stress. Dealing with some personal stuff with a friend. Well by the time we were done talking my emotions were at a near all time high. Driving home I told Shelly I hate to do this but I need to stop at Wal-Mart and pick up some comfort food. She encouraged me not too(good wife). However the emotions in my body were definitely controlling me and because I still haven't learned how to deal with the stressful emotions in any better way I bought some ice-cream and some oatmeal raisin cookies. I realized that had I not controlled my stress by eating I would have been miserable and taken my stress out my my relationship with my family.

I know I suck! I don't like that this happens or that it happened again. However I will take it in stride and find hope in the fact that I actually know I do this. In the past I would find myself eating and not have really thought through this at all. So Pray for me, there is still a rough road ahead in me learning to trust God with my emotions and stress and allowing Him to help me through these matters without taking control of them myself.

Posted by smitty at September 21, 2004 11:50 PM


Will definitely pray. We have some similar coping mechanisms...even after asking for accountability during a really rough time the past couple of weeks...I still secretly bought Krispy Kremes. There's nothing wrong with cheating occasionally...but we know the difference between that and using food to deal with life. Knowing is a big part of the battle.

Posted by: Stacey at September 25, 2004 11:45 AM

Hey - it's ok to fall once in awhile. Everyone does it - it's only normal. Don't be too hard on yourself, you've done so great!!! Tim is going through similar things right now with all his problems (long story). He is working on his problems - a lot harder than he ever has, actually (I think things are finally sinking in -I sure hope so, anyway). He's really cut back on cigarettes and drinking and I pray he can continue to do so and quit altogether. He needs to work on his faith a little harder and he would even do better.

Anyway, my whole point here is you're a lot stronger than you think, and you'll be OK!!!!

Posted by: Aunt Linda at September 27, 2004 8:51 AM

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