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October 8, 2004


Been thinking about moving my office to my basement since we bought our house. The closest I came to accomplishing this in the past 4 years was to ask a friend what it would cost last fall. Sadly that is how far things have progressed until last week. Last week things finally worked out and I called my friend again to find out when we could get our basement done. He called on Monday to say he was gonna stop by and measure a few things. So he did and while he was there he said, "and by the way we can start tomorrow." Hello, That was a shocker. So I said, sure let's roll. And everyday this week we have had people working at our house.

The coolest part of this has been Caleb. Our friend, Dan immdeiately took him under his wing and invited him to spend the day helping in the basement. Well Tuesday morning Caleb was up with the sun, staring out the front window and waiting for the men to show up. He had his work clothes on and his plastic toolbox filled with measuring devices that he got from Grandpa for his birthday. Once the men arrived Caleb spent the day in the basement with them. Watching their every move.

I got the biggest kick out of going down to the basement a few times a day to see what he was up to. I was amazed at the fact that my 4 1/2 year old son could be kept busy/etertained all day. One afternoon I stopped down to check in with 'The Men' Caleb was holding a spare pack of nail gun nails, he walked up to Dan and said, "you need these." "Well soon, but not yet," Dan said. He lifted his nail gun, shot one more nail and his clip was empty. Hmmm, how did Caleb know? Funny little boy.

By Friday Caleb was using the cordless drill and a hammer to build small things with scraps of wood. When afternoon came and the men started packing up, Caleb said, "why are you packing up the tools?" They explained that they were done and would not be coming back. Caleb hung his head and went upstairs and cried. I went up to comfort him, I said, "you will miss the men?" Caleb said, "yeah AND they are taking the tools. How am I gonna build my See Saw?"

After the men were gone I whipped out my small stash of power tools and my little cordless drill and helped caleb finish his see saw. He was happy to have use of my tools, but he let me know that I didn't have as many tools as the men did. But somehow he made do.

Posted by smitty at October 8, 2004 10:20 AM


He's at a very fun age.

Posted by: stacey at October 14, 2004 12:31 PM

That is soooooooo cute!!! Maybe he and Dave can go into business together!!!

Posted by: Aunt Linda at October 15, 2004 11:32 AM

That's my grandson. He is so cute. I know he will be a carpenter someday. He loves working with tools and cords too!!!! Does he take after his dad? NOt!!!! I love yopu both . Caleb hang in ther. You can make grandma something with your little hammer , ok!!! You do good work. Grandma is proud of you both. His see saw is neat!!!! love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo

Posted by: grandma jane at October 15, 2004 2:38 PM

That's my grandson. He is so cute. I know he will be a carpenter someday. He loves working with tools and cords too!!!! Does he take after his dad? NOt!!!! I love you both . Caleb hang in there. You can make grandma something with your little hammer , ok!!! You do good work. Grandma is proud of you both. His see saw is neat!!!! love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxo

Posted by: grandma jane at October 15, 2004 2:39 PM

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