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October 6, 2004


Well tonight we packed up to go to youth group as usual. Arrived early and it seemed to me there were more than the normal amount of youth hanging around outside. we parked unloaded and I headed into the building. It was dark. hrm, the building is never dark. I went through the door and SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! about 100 people had gathered in the church to surprise me.

hrm, i thought, now what do i do? My defenses kicked in and I thought to myself okay, just make your way through the crowd of birthday well wishers and put your stuff down. After reality set in, I had a good time. Got to spend a some time with friends and family. There was tons of food to be had, no better way to celebrate my year of weight loss and my birthday than to pig out, the best of which was the chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. YUM. Worth every carb.

So now the party is over, I need to thank everyone for showing up, I appreciated your thoughtfulness & kindness. I most of all need to thank, My Wife, My Sister, My Mother & Pam Gibble. Four women who planned, carried out and sponsored my Surprise Party. Thank you for effort. It will be a Surprise I will not forget for a long time.

Posted by smitty at October 6, 2004 11:17 PM


OK - I'm so sorry I missed this. But, I had agreed to start a bible study class that night so I had to go. I thought Dave would be able to come to your party but he went to the class, also (I didn't realize he was going!)

I'm glad you were surprised. (I have a present for you).

Posted by: Aunt Linda at October 11, 2004 11:48 AM

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