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December 11, 2004


Someone posted a sign at the end of my road(towards town) a few weeks ago. It is a hap-hazzard spray paint on plywood sign that reads tons of used pinball games available. Everytime I drive by, it brings back memories of my favorite pinball game, The Cyclone by Williams. In my teens, I used to hang out at the arcade next to Hills, a good friend of mine worked there and I would spend a few hours a week hanging out there, talking and playing pinball, my favorite game. The Cyclone was a great interactive pinball game, tons of bonuses, multi-ball action, circus theme with a working ferris wheel, very cool, very cool. (click on the link above for a picture)

I have had several dreams in my life to own that game. A few years ago when we lived on Lehman Street I saw a new business coming in on Lehman called the Game Room Warehouse and I called them and amazingly enough they had the game. This had me excited till i found out the price. To be honest for me to buy a pinball game would be irresponsible, our family is in no financial shape to justify a pinball machine purchase and if i had the money I would spend it on something else.

But since this is my blog and i can dream I thought I would share about the Cyclone. Perhaps no one else even remembers The Cyclone? I know it was pretty popular cause i saw it in jsut about every arcade in the mid to late eighties. I remember the arcade at the Boscov's Mall across from the movie theaters had one. I played it in there several times, but that arcade was a rip. (They jacked their pinball machines up too high in the back so the balls would come flying down.) No matter, I still thought it was worth a quarter to play when i was there.

Perhaps I can go in and pretend to be interested in buying it at the Game Room Warehouse in town. They might let me play it a few times. I wonder how long it would take them to figure out I am not really gonna buy it. Maybe I will find out.

Posted by smitty at December 11, 2004 12:45 AM


How exciting, welcome back to the blogging world.

I dont remember Cyclone specifically..but I like pinball. I always hated when the pinball games had some sort of sick theme or picture. The one you are describing sounds really cool. When I was a kid, there was a pretty well off family in the church I went to. We had a kids group called Jet Cadets (some sort of theme about being Jet Cadets for Jesus). Anyway, they had a pinball machine in their basement. I remember thinking they were like that show Silver Spoons for having their very own arcade game. Actually I think they might have had more than one.

I have a picture of me and my mom with me playing their game. I had a "tail" hair cut. HA. Yikes. Hey, I was in the sixth grade...what did I know.

Posted by: Stacey at December 11, 2004 3:00 AM

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