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December 12, 2004


Our house is freaking hot. I am not sure why. But we have yet to turn our heat on and our house is roasting. I sit around in shorts all day, I wake up in the middle of the night dripping in sweat and yes i have checked several times our furnace is off. We have been opening our windows for several hours everyday to try to let some of the heat out and some cool in. Not sure how long it will last but this is the first time we haven;t had our furnace on by late october.

Posted by smitty at December 12, 2004 12:42 AM


Well, that'll save you on heat bills, right. We have a similar problem with heat in our apartment, but that's because we live on the 2nd floor and we reap the benefits of our neighbors heat...but once it heats up...whew it's hot.

Posted by: Stacey at December 12, 2004 11:53 AM

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