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January 20, 2005

not knowing

I do not like not knowing. It is not who I am. What are we having for supper? Where are we going? Why did you do that? Who is gonna be there? and the list goes on. I needed to know the sex of our children before they were born. I always know what I am getting for Christmas(I know you thought you surprised me, but you didn't.). And I have never had a surprise party thrown for me that was a true surprise.

So with that in mind, I am telling you one of the most awful things I have done recently was deciding to not use the scale for 40 days. I am dying to hop on that sucker and see if I have lost weight. I have become so used to stepping on the scale anytime I am in the bathroom and checking my weight that it blows my mind to walk past it. This is somewhat torture, but I am trying to remember to keep my focus as to why I am not weighing myself.

3167+711=3878 193.90ad 274g

Posted by smitty at January 20, 2005 6:49 PM


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