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January 16, 2005

Scale Fast

As part of our Sunday Night Youth Group we are fasting form something in our lives for 40 days. We have been trying to pick something that might be interfering with our relationship with God in some way. (taking too much time, cause us to loose focus,etc.) Each of us have chosen something different.

I have given this a bunch of thought and have come up with a an interesting fast, but one that means a lot to me. I am fasting from my scale for 40 days. I will not weigh myself or obsess about my weight for 40 days. Since I normally weigh myself a few times a day(the scale stares me down when i am in the bathroom) not weighing myself for 40 days will allow me to concentrate on God more and not myself.

So call me crazy, but no scale for me for 40 days.

1615+515=2130jj 133.13ad 274g

Posted by smitty at January 16, 2005 2:57 PM


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