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January 22, 2005

snow day

Good bit of snow today. Counted about 6-7 inches of snow on our picnic table on the back deck. Took the kids out sledding. The snow was a bit dry so it took a few runs to get our hill behind the barn useable. We bundled up Ruth and took her out to check out the snow. She took a sled ride down the hill with me and then we pulled her while she sat on the sled. She eventually toppled off and landed face first in the snow. No crying from her, she looked a bit dazed I wiped the snow off and took her inside. Made everyone Hot Cocoa and heated up some Chicken Corn Noodle Soup. Then we sat down and played a few games. A nice snow day.

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Posted by smitty at January 22, 2005 11:03 PM


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