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February 12, 2005


One year ago this week I celebrated losing my first 100 pounds. It was a great feeling. I am very pleased to announce that I still have that 100 pounds off so I have maintained my 100+ pound weight loss for over a year. The second hundred pounds is another story, I have fluctuated in my weight in the last 6 months. However, I am gonna continue working at my weight, and who knows, perhaps I will have a second 100 pounds to celebrate someday.

Today also marked another anniversary it was the anniversary of my mother's birth, so we had a small party for her at our house. My wife made her one of our & her favorite meals, Obie's Pork Chops. Pork breaded and fried and then slow cooked in an sweet onion gravy, served with mashed potatoes. Very yummy. By the way, I had a salad.

The kids decorated a chair with streamers for her and made her cards. We also tromped out to the store and bought her a foil heart balloon and a cherry pie(which she requested). We visited for several hours and sent her on her way.

I must admit when I think about my mom, I realize that much of the time I take her for granted. Perhaps, that is because she has become a familiar fixture in my life and I know her quite well, so she
doesn't always come to mind as the special person that she truely is. She, as a mother should be, has been a big part of my and my families life. She is one of top people in our lives. My kids fight over who gets to spend the night at grandma's next. They cheer when any van pulls in our driveway, 'Grandma's here, Grandma's here'(sometimes even when it isn't her). We have come to enjoy and look forward to the Vacation time we can spend with her every year. She has bailed me out of various trouble and problems throughout my life(thanks). And if she could, she would gladly be more involved with us(physically) than she can be right now. I must admit i do find her to be annoying sometimes. She doesn't always listen to the doctors when they tell her things(does anyone?). She also has this knack of winning board & card games even when she is just learning them(grrrr). But, for what it is worth, if I could, I wouldn't choose another to be my mother.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Posted by smitty at February 12, 2005 7:29 PM



We have similar goals. You may want to check out my blog. Interestingly, most of the weight loss blogs are dominated by females rather than males. . .


Posted by: c at March 29, 2005 2:26 AM

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