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February 9, 2005

Black Socks pt. 2

Wait perhaps it is a Urban Legend or semi-Legend! check this out Too Young to Dye.

However i also found this post when searching the internet for Black Sock Dye Poison:

Originally posted by pipSy@Apr 4 2003, 02:19 AM
i don't understand why they wear white socks when they're playing in muddy fields.
back in middle school i heard that with certain types of socks (black, gray, or some other color), the dye is toxic and therefore if you somehow inflict an open wound during athletic activity onto any part of ur foot, the dye can seep into ur bloodstream and poison you....so in gym class white socks were mandatory.........dunno if nowadays black or colored socks are safer...damn i feel like I'm talking about institutional oppression in my sociology class again.

So there ya go! Even as the facts roll in I am still wearing my black socks.

Posted by smitty at February 9, 2005 5:09 PM


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