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February 23, 2005

Free Mac Mini pt.2

Well I am almost there. I have 7 people who have signed up to take the offer. So i need to find 3 more people to sign up. I even have 2 people I do not know that signed up on my list jsut cause i posted my link to my blog. Not a bad deal! Anyway if you want to be one of my last 3 people to help me get a Mac mini or if you want to try it for yourself, follow the link:


i know, i know, call me crazy

Posted by smitty at February 23, 2005 10:36 AM


Brian, It's Brad here. Darren's brother. He said you were doing the Free Mac Mini - I am doing the Free Ipod Shuffle. I need 1 more person. If you sign up for mine, I will sign up for yours.

Here' the link:

Thanks a million if you do & I will do the same. :)

Posted by: BradG at February 24, 2005 7:37 PM

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