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February 6, 2005

Kim Chee

Well my jar of Kim Chee is getting low, I have had it for over a month and it will soon be gone. I need to find more soon! I have gotten into the habit of eating it almost everyday. My favorite dish currently is my special 'house salad'. I use about 2 cups of spring mix, 2 cups of spinach, 1/3 cup of Kim Chee, a sprinkling of crushed Pecans, and less than a tablespoon of ranch dressing. I top it off with a few ounces of grilled meat. Sometimes Chicken, sometimes Roast Beef or Fish. I find this salad to be satisfying and it fills me up. I can easily eat it twice a day.

My wife finds it to be odd that I can just eat the same thing all the time, but that is how I am programmed, if I like it, I can eat it everyday. I once did my own home grown diet. I would not eat breakfast or lunch but for an early supper every night I would eat a can of tuna fish with a plate of baked french fries. (DO NOT ASK WHY OR WHAT I WAS THINKING CAUSE I DUNNO). Anyway, I ate this combo everyday for over 6 months. Then one day I made my meal, I sat down to eat it and i got nauseous. After that I couldn't eat tuna for a few years. So perhaps Kim Chee will have it's day too.

Posted by smitty at February 6, 2005 7:08 PM


OK....what is Kim Chee??

Posted by: Aunt Linda at February 10, 2005 1:05 PM

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