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February 11, 2005

Kim Chee pt. 2

Well I am all out of kim chee. SO I went to the store and found a small jar for $4 in the produce section of fake, mass-produced Kim Chee. I was desperate so I gave t a try. Doesn't even hold a candle to the good stuff. BUt I will use it till it is all. For those that need more info on Kim Chee and are too lazy to Google. A little picture of the lactic acid fermented spicy cabbage:

I Suppose I will need to drive to Phili. soon to find some.

Posted by smitty at February 11, 2005 5:16 PM


There has to be some international food store around here that carries the it???

Posted by: stacey at February 16, 2005 5:26 PM

You might want to visit a local Korean Restaurant (authentic) to see if you can order Kim Chee. Some will sell different varieties by the gallon. My favorite is Daikon (Turnip) Kim Chee, but I've also tried Cucumber and Won Bok. You should also check your local Oriental Stores, they will most likely carry it.

Posted by: Fat Grams at February 20, 2005 7:50 PM

Ok, stumbled here by accident looking for the One Ton art exhibit. Well, hmmmmm Yummmm, haven't had any good kim chie in a very very long time. Do you have a receipe, or place to get other than local mass grocery that is worth trying? I tried once to make, and it still wasn't near what I have in my memory.


Posted by: Laura at February 23, 2005 2:40 PM

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