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February 18, 2005

my adidas T

Last summer at the height of my weight loss(or is that at the depth of my weight loss?, anyway). I bought an adidas t-shirt at the outlet store for $4. I actually bought 3 of them, I had decided to buy them all in XL size, but the one I liked the most was only available in Large. I tried it on and it fit fine, but I was concerned that after a few washings the cotton shirt would shrink and I do not like tight fitting clothing. By fall I had put back on a few pounds and moved my snug fitting Large shirt to the back of my closet.

Well I got it out again and tried it on, it fit. AND it fit nice enough that i wore it all day(which is a real good sign, cause if it was snug I would have taken it off). There is still a bit of weight loss to go but my favorite Large t-shirt fits again . . . nice.

BTW, adidas= all day I dream about shelly ;)

Posted by smitty at February 18, 2005 5:10 PM


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