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April 19, 2005

free stuff update

Just wanted you to know DHL was here and dropped off my 20gig iPod and my shuffle all in one fail swoop. Feeling good today. For the record it took 2 weeks to get my stuff since I completed all the requirements. My miniMac was approved last week, SO i am thinking by the beginning of May I will have my $600 puter(which i am giving as a gift).

So if you want to still get on the free stuff bandwagon here is your chance, I have several friends who I am now gonna help get some free stuff, follow the links below to sign up:

Free iPod: http://www.freeiPods.com/?r=15498572

Free Shuffle: http://www.FreeiPodShuffle.com/?r=15766039

Free MiniMac: http://www.FreeMiniMacs.com/?r=15474556

Free iPod Photo: http://www.freephotoiPods.com/?r=16993477

Posted by smitty at April 19, 2005 11:31 AM


I need 8 more... for my free Mini Mac. Help? http://www.FreeMiniMacs.com/?r=15468239

Posted by: Ashley at April 26, 2005 2:29 PM

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