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April 11, 2005


Well we are starting to get into the groove of things. The booth didn't open till 9am today so we slept in as much as we could. After yesterday we needed it. I have the day all figured out and Danny has the night all figured out so here we go. Talked to a bunch of promoters today, ate with the ladies and man from Kingdom bound. Scanned numerous barcode tickets and gave away bags at our booth. Saw KJ-52 at lunch, he was the best.

Tonight is the CMT music awards, they are being held at the Gaylord Arena right next to the hotel. All the streets are blocked off they have a huge stage in the middle of the street, a red carpet area, grand stand seating for media. It is gonna be a circus. All i know is I am glad i do not have to drive into this town tonight. And I am a bit sad that I will probably need to walk a few blocks to avoid this mess today.

Bill & Nick came by and asked us if we wanted to go to the compassion dinner with them. We both agreed. The compassion dinner was held at the Country Music Hall of Fame in their great hall. The dinner was very formal and had great food. There were only about 100-150 people invited, mostly people in the music industry who have helped Compassion share their stories with thousands of people. We sat with Creation Festival who help compassion sponsor over 2000 children every year.
Their were a bunch of artists there too, Rebecca St James was honored for 10 years of work and Geoff Moore was honored for 20. Then Dr. Wes Stafford President of Compassion spoke and they brought up Pascal a now mid twenties man who had been a compassion child in Rwanda his whole life to share his testimony. All mind blowing to say the least.

My most embarrassing moment of the week came when my cell phone went off during the closing prayer at the compassion dinner. Reminded me of kurt at the Ryman during worship a few years back.

After a walk back to the hotel, talked to my wife and then went to the Hilton for the BEC/tooth & nail showcase. Wanted to see seventh day slumber, but missed them. Saw Falling Up, KJ-52 and was disappointed to find out i missed SDS. Went back to the hotel and chilled out for a few minutes, danny stayed till the end of the show and saw Kutless. When he came into the room we talked for an hour or so about church and the state of our youth group. All good conversation.

Posted by smitty at April 11, 2005 7:56 PM


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