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April 14, 2005

Wednesday & Thursday

Well we slept to the last moment today cause we are gonna need the rest. The goal is to do the booth thing till it closes at 3:30, pack up and head for home ASAP. There are a few things we could do tonight, but I am tired, I miss my wife and kids and Danny's Uncle has had some real medical problems and lays in the hospital clinging for life. So with those reasons in mind we head home to be with our families.

All in all GMA Week has proven to be successful in spite of all the curve balls that have been tossed our way. We have talked to at least a dozen promoters that are very excited about barcode tickets and that shall get us off to a good start. I talked to the guy from Acquire the fire today and we shall be setting up ticketing with them. Also our neighboring booth people, songtouch.com have proven to be a good sales lead, I think we have some cool things to offer them in their new venture.

Today we went to the greg oliver agency luncheon and saw some new bands. I missed a few cause i was in the lobby at the front desk trying to get our banner taken down so we could bring it home with us. The concerts were hosted by Mark Schultz a very funny man, he must be a hoot to hang out with. HE also ended the lunch with his song, Letters from War, with a video playing at the same time. Holy Smokes, powerful song put to video. Had tears in my eyes, and that is pretty rare(it shouldn't be, but it is)

Well 3 o'clock rolled around and we packed up our booth in no time. and I went to get the van. Ended up waiting in line to get into the loading dock for about 30 minutes and almost gave up hope when they finally let me in. Danny and I loaded that thing to the brim with stuff, holding boxes from falling as we slammed the doors. Then we were off.

We didn't stop until we were an hour or two out of Nashville. Our first major stop was at the fireworks store. We both blew some good money on fireworks.(it is worth it). After that the sun started to set and we had a 7-8 hour long conversation. The type you can only have late at night stuck in a van. Needless to say it was all good.

Got into Lebanon at 5:45am, we swung by the Quentin Haus looking for men form our church since it was prayer breakfast morning, but we were still a bit early and were too tired to wait. So we went to my house and went to sleep for a few hours until my kids woke us up. Then we cleaned the van out and took Danny home. Did not go back to sleep till late thursday night.

Posted by smitty at April 14, 2005 11:09 PM


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