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June 6, 2005


got my free psp delivered on friday. not that i need one or want one, but free is usually good, right?
so well i am a believer.

I have two friends who are very close to finishing up there free stuff. If you want to help them while helping yourself to something free follow the links below.

1. Free iPod -- Only need two more people to sign up. very close.

2. Free MacMini --Also Only need two more people. very close.

ok well that is all for now.

Posted by smitty at June 6, 2005 10:08 AM



Darren's brother Brad here. I see you are getting a lot from Gratis. My brother told me that my helping you out before didn't work for some reason. I am sorry about that, and would be willing to try again if you need someone.

But the reason I am bugging you, is because I need only 3 more people to get my iPod Photo, and was wondering if maybe you could put me up on your site. I would really appreciate it. I am struggling to get a few more.

If you can, that would be great. My info is:


Thanks for your time.


Posted by: BradG at June 9, 2005 11:01 PM

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