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October 5, 2005

Zoo & Zipper


Went to the National Zoo today, got there at 7:00am. Got to see the Panda's grazing that was cool. Saw a ton of other animals. The worst part is that the small mammal house smelled like our cat's litter box on a bad day eeesh. The best part was they have a system of towers that go from one part of the park to another which allows the Orangutans to travel from one habitat to another via ropes which connect the towers, they cross the park basically swinging high above visitors heads. the ropes and towers are so high they do not leave go because they fear falling. anyway perhaps i didn't explain it well but it was cool.


When we got back to the hotel the kids were playing zoo & pirate ship and during the course of play Caleb fell into the door between our bedroom and the living room and gashed his head. Ended up at the emergency room with some staples in his head. Which kinda look like a zipper. All in all he is fine but is afraid people will laugh at him. I said, "I think, people will think it is kinda cool." Just glad he is OK!

Posted by smitty at October 5, 2005 11:17 PM


thats my grandson Alll boy. Sorry you hurt yourself honey. Granda will say am extra prayer for you tonight. When Grandma first looked at the picture of your head, I thought a insect landed on it. It reminded me of one of these dragon flies that one sees. Sorry Caleb. I a sure it is not pleasant, but looks cool to me. Love you all nighty nite to you!~!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Grandma Jane at October 6, 2005 12:39 AM

Definitely a rock star scar. OUCH, though!!!

Posted by: stacey at October 10, 2005 11:01 AM

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