Recently in Lists Category

When I jog, for fun, I make lists in my head. Kinda like David Letterman, kinda. A Top Ten list of something to look forward to. This comes in handy when I am running up a hill and my head says, "Just stop, it is easier that way". Instead I can think about my Top Ten list and feel motivated.

The one I have been thinking about recently is where I want to go shopping to buy new clothes when I am finished loosing weight. I still have a few more pounds to go, but I am soon ready to go get some clothing. My wardrobe is loosing clothing as fast as I am loosing weight.

So wait no longer, here is my first publicized list. Enjoy it with me, send me comments & suggestions if you wish, or use my list idea to make your own to motivate yourself.

Top Ten places I want to shop for clothing, once I reach my weight goal and have some money to burn:

10. Walmart --everyone likes a cheap deal. And I have been unable to take advantage of cheap deals for most of my adult life. So I will have to make some purchases.
9. Big Dog--old habits die hard. I like Big Dog Clothing. They were there for me when I wore 5&6XL. Now that I got rid of a bunch of X's. I would still wear some of their clothing.
8. JC Penney--They carry some nice clothing, and they also sell Levi's Not even sure if Levi's are cool anymore. But I look forward to buying my first pair of Levi's. (Hoping they are a size 34 or 36)
7. Orvis--They look like they have nice clothing. Wish I could afford a bunch of comfy clothing.
6. Lands End--Once again nice clothing.
5. American Eagle Outfitters--When I was in High School I bought one XXL shirt there that I loved. I never fit in their clothing again.
4. Old Navy--A friend passed me down some size 38 Old Navy Pants and Shorts. I like them and they fit nice. Now they are becoming a bit too big for me, But I still wear them cause I like them.
3. Structures--When I was in Nashville, I went clothing shopping with a friend of mine whose record company had given him a bunch of money to buy a new wardrobe. And I remember thinking to myself I would have love to have had a wad of cash to blow at Structures.
2.Gap--Once again, just to say I bought something at the Gap that fits me will be an accomplishment.
1. Nike Store--Nike was popular when I was a kid and I like sporty clothes. I wouldn't also mind having some new running sneakers. Since my feet have shrank, I have a feeling I can fit into more of a variety of sneakers now.

Not sure if my list meets today's trends and standards and I am not sure that I care if it doesn't. If you have a suggestion of a store or place I should go shopping for clothing drop me a comment. I need to be well informed before I start building my new wardrobe.

Well that is it for now. Perhaps I will share some more of My lists in the future.

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