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I am curious about something. My stats page says over 100 people have read my blog this month. And in eleven different countries. So who are you people? Who is reading my blog? So if you don't mind leave me a comment or drop me an email: smittyb at . I am just curious.


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Dear Brian,

I often travel to other countries just so I can read your blog and make you wonder who is reading it in those countries. Having an Apple Airport in all airports now is really handy. Sometimes I just get off the plain and go into the terminal, read your blog and then get back on the plane. I know it sounds excentric, but it helps me rack up the airmiles and I meet some nice people. Sometimes, if I meet a nice person on the plane, I ask them to check your blog every now and again, just to throw you off and make you wonder who is reading your blog.

Sometimes, if I've eaten chocolate or had too much caffiene, I will go into the rest room and scraw your website on the walls with permanent marker.

Lastly, when fishing off the coast of Nova Scotia a few years back, I put your website address with an invitation to visit on small peices of gum wrapper scraps, put them inside empty Snapple Lime Tea bottles and launched them into the Atlantic.

One time I accidently put my home address on the backside of one of these scraps of gum wrappers. It was quite embarassing having a grandmother from Great Britian show up on my doorstep. She did make some great scones though, and ended up becoming our housekeeper.

I let her use my computer sometimes and she emails friends back home, accross the great pond, and she asks them to visit your blog site also in hopes that, someday they will have the opportunity to post a message and tell you all about themselves. I think her nephew's name is Willie Bobbins, so if you get one from him, you will know who he is.

Thanks for asking and I hope to proliferate your site to many more internationals.



PS. Do you have any pictures of that Underwear race? That would be fun to post.


I think I need to confess, I am addicted to reading these blogs. I sometimes check back more than once in a day. It is only 8:23 a.m and I have already gone to my friends blogs...prior to drinking my Atkins shake for breakfast.
Blogs seem like a good way to learn more about other people, because they usually talk about things that might not come up in everyday conversations (which often consists of IM or email rather than real talking these days).

So, thanks for feeding my addiction. Who needs reality tv...oh wait...Survivor is on tonight...woo hoo.


I like Lyle.

Craig Miller
Belネm, Brazil

I was just surfing the web and came across your page. Keep up the good work with your weight loss!

Meg in Nashville

Yes Brain, I read your posts and Lyle�s too. I find them to be a great read.
I do have to say, the pictures of your weight loss are amazing. I guess seeing you week to week I just don�t notice it.
Great job.

And if you want the underwear pictures I can get them to you. Just let me know.


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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by smitty published on February 19, 2004 12:01 AM.

Underwear Game was the previous entry in this blog.

7 pounds is the next entry in this blog.

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