Well i did something today that I have been wondering about for weeks. I had my body fat measured. I have been looking into several machines that are available that are suppose to accurately measure your % of body fat. The one I finally found was actually right under my nose at the Y. The machine is made by Futrex and measures body fat thru infrared light.
Anyway I have long wanted to get a good report about my body fat because it would be a key to telling me what a normal weight for me will be.
So my body fat % is 28.6%, I have 185 of Lean(fat-free) weight. In other words according to this test my ideal body weight should be between 200-220 to be considered in fair-good health.
Before finding this machine I had done some searching on the internet and found some less accurate methods of testing, but they gave me a good idea of where I was at. The infrared machine just gave me a more accurate method and confirmed my other results within a few points.
Here are a few sites I found if you wanna try them out:
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