New Year, New Me

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Well it is that time again. I started my leaner, meaner lifestyle change 15 months ago in October 2003. After 9 months I had successfully lost just under 180 lbs. and hovered in the 220's. In July of 2004 I had gall bladder issues and ended up having my gull bladder out. This is where my lifestyle change went funky. I found myself taking a break from exercise for recovery and having issues feeling right on my lifestyle diet. So by August I had gained a few pounds, but with a bunch of struggling I came back to my low weight by early September.

However I just couldn't beat whatever it was that was working in me. Perhaps it was the lack of a definite goal, perhaps it was the realization that most of my crazy ideas that i had in my head for my weight loss were in fact, crazy (weight loss celebration, new haircut, and others i have never mentioned). Perhaps it was the fact that my iPod broke and spent 2.5 months at apple being repaired(no music while exercising was a killer).

I also think that my lifestyle change had lost some focus. I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but somewhere along the line I began to take charge of my lifestyle change. Accepting the work & the glory as totally mine and ignoring where my true strength comes from.

So where did this all leave me? Well in the course of the last 6 moths I had gained back over 60lbs. OUCH! Mind you I was still down over 100lbs from my heaviest days but now that i know what weighing less feels like I was not a happy camper. My new clothing was also getting tighter and that was very depressing.

So in December i decided to get back on the road to health or at least take some preventative measures. So with two weeks to go before Christmas I started on the straight and narrow road. I did well and in two weeks I was already feeling better. However, Shelly & I decided that we were gonna eat whatever we wanted over Christmas. I went along with this cause last year I didn't eat anything bad over the holidays and there are a few things like deserts, including hot mince meat pie with ice cream, cookies, etc. That have not touched my lips in two years. So after two weeks of doing well and feeling better I dumped it all for some good Christmas Party Food.

It was all worth it, the bit of weight I lost before Christmas counter balanced the weight I gained back during the Holidays. So today I am no worse off than I was at the beginning of December. So here we go. The not-as-big-as-i-once-was brian is heading toward a new year with a new goal. I wanna get back in shape, start exercising again and end up back where I want to be.

I will keep you posted.

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